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How to Write a Good SAT Essay

How to write a good SAT essay is a question that has plagued students since the test was created in 1926. Writing an effective essay requires careful preparation, organization, and editing, especially when writing an argumentative essay. Practice makes perfect, so start early with these helpful strategies.

SAT essays are a crucial part of the test. They measure your ability to analyze and synthesize information from multiple sources, and the key is to prepare thoroughly before writing. Keep reading our guide to getting started.

Are you struggling to write a good essay for the SAT? If yes, then don't worry because we've got some great tips for you.

Writing an effective essay requires careful planning and practice. Start preparing now with these helpful strategies.


1. Know What You're Trying To Achieve

Before starting to write, ensure you understand exactly what you're trying to achieve with your essay. Is it to convince readers of something? Or is it to simply provide evidence for a point? Knowing what you want to accomplish will help you decide how much detail to include in your introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion

2. Use Evidence From Multiple Sources

In order to support your claims, you'll need to gather relevant evidence from different sources. For instance, if you were asked to write an argumentative essay about gun control, you'd probably look at several articles published in newspapers, magazines, and blogs. When gathering evidence, try to find examples that are similar to yours but also ones that contradict your claim.

3. Write a Strong Introduction

Your introduction is the first paragraph of your essay. It sets the stage for the rest of the piece and gives readers a sense of what to expect. Before beginning your introduction, think about what kind of topic you're addressing. Does it require a lot of research? Should you present a thesis statement? Consider these questions before deciding how to begin.

Once you've decided what type of essay you're writing, consider the purpose of your paper. Do you want to persuade readers of a particular viewpoint? Or are you looking for factual evidence to back up a claim? Once you've figured out what you're trying to prove, you can choose a strong opening sentence that establishes your main idea.

4. Organize Your Ideas Into Paragraphs

After choosing a topic and purpose, organize your ideas into separate paragraphs. Each paragraph should contain only one subject; otherwise, you risk confusing readers. Try to avoid jumping around within your essay too much. Instead, focus on developing one central theme throughout the entire document.

5. Create a Conclusion That Summarizes Everything You Need to Prove

A conclusion summarizes the arguments made in your essay. Think about what you want to say in your conclusion. Will you explain further details about your topic? Provide additional supporting evidence? Or will you summarize your overall position?

When creating a conclusion, remember that it needs to be brief. Don't repeat anything you said earlier in your essay. Instead, sum up everything you discussed in your introduction and body paragraphs.

6. Edit Your Essay

Now that you've written your essay, it's time to edit it. Look over your work carefully and ask yourself if you really believe every word you wrote. Did you leave out any important facts? Were you able to clearly communicate your thoughts without repeating yourself? These are all things you should consider before submitting your final draft.

7. Read Over Your Work Again and Again

If you are a writer, then you have to be able to read your work over again. You need to be able to look at it from different angles. If you can’t do that, then you will never get better as a writer. It is like the old saying goes: “You cannot teach an old dog new tricks.” The only way to improve as a writer is to keep reading your own writing over and over again.

Reading your own work repeatedly is not just about improving your craft. It is also about learning how to write better. In summary, reading your own work repeatedly helps you learn how to write more effectively.


  • An effective essay is like a well-designed house. It should have a solid foundation, sturdy walls, and adequate roofing. Without these things, the house cannot stand.

  • Writing a compelling essay takes time, effort, and practice.

  • Writing a convincing paper demands that you plan ahead and organize your ideas before starting to write.

  • You should have all the information needed to support your arguments for them to make sense.

  • Writing an essay is not just typing words onto a page. It involves thinking through your topic, researching the issues involved, and organizing your thoughts into a logical sequence.

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